... the word which is a rage in my class these days is 'DCP' ...
DCP for dummies expands to Desperate Class Participation and is quite a remarkable phenomenon/tendency/ in some circles even labeled as 'disease' which can b found in most 'b-schools'.
The basic defintion is "It is a (shameless) act of asking a question in the class to pickup marks for class participation or just to impress the professor"
This comes in various forms and though this article does not claim to exhaustively cover this phenomenon as newer variants keep cropping up every now and then ( just now got an update thru gtalk bout 2 new variants springing up in the neighbouring class), we do promise to keep you updated on the latest developements on this front.
coming back to the word in focus , DCP strikes in most lectures the most common and easily reconginable symptom is the raised hand which keeps pace with the movement of lecturer's eyes ...
the basic premise behind this is believed to be the good old proverb tht "in an mba course any publicity is good publicity" ... ooops was'nt the saying meant for politics! ... with so many questions being popped around in the class, brains of ordinary mortals like me are bound to get addled.
There are a few basic instances when DCP surfaces ... first and foremost is when the lecture gets a bit boring and some of the participants decide enough is enough and starts asking Questions .. no one really knows what these questions are and how they are related and so on ... Dont ask me any further details , i generally wake up during this time ... so pardon me for not noting the question or what exactly happened .. but more often than not the questions are met with an exasperated "so whats your point ? what are u exactly asking?" tone or with curt and abrupt to the point answers like the "that was the paper covered in last term ..." or "we are yet to discuss the relevence of that on krakotan economy ..." sorry some of us quietly doze off ...
Another is when partipant gets very enthusiastic and tries to really sink her/his teeth into it ..arrhhhhhhh ... more often than not these Q go much beyond scope of Phd in the subject !
Another funny variant is when person is despo type and feels bad tht she/he has not participated much and asks questions from the slide the lecturer is covering when point no:1 is discussed , the DCPer jumps to point 4 and asks some Q related to tht !
Somewhat harmless one is when a particpant suddenly wakes up after forty winks and more often than because Prof has seen her/him dozing ... When the mind is torn between annoyance in having to wake up and guilt in having missed what was discussed , she/he comes up a smart way to snap out this .. ask Q !
So the question that comes to our mind is tht why does this happen ? of course there are quite a few obvious explanations like someone out there who designed the course actually thought giving marks for participation was a good idea ( believe me lot of ppl r hunting for tht person , i assure u we will take proper care of her/him) , but during some really drab lectures I got some real interesting opinions/theories ... the best one was that DCP is perpetrated by a group aliens with a mission to destabilise planet earth and this is done thru contact with ppl who wil shape India of tomorrow .... This could easily explain why clever people yours truly avoid any class particpation to avoid any contact with these aliens .. we will outlast the aliens and Earth can count on us ...
now most of the profs are pretty smart folks and can easily see thru an attempted DCP .. now each one has their on style of dealing with it .. lenient/poor ones try to even answer it and get bogged down and have vacant looks on their faces as Q follow Q .. some just let it pass...
the best ones hav been a recent instance where the prof asks the participant to Repeat the Q ... this kinda puts many a DCPer to shame and the the subsequent Q would somewhat rephrased and more logical version of the first one .. some need repeated takes to get this right .. but ofcourse for all his noble intentions i feel there is a minor flaw in this approach keepin in mind the alien-infestation theory tht is doin rounds ... if such an approach is tried with an in-organic life form ,we could end up in endless loops of repeated Q till the alien or replicant or whatever it is runs out of gas/battery charge in its oxygen-methane convertor or some such thing ... ofcourse the fact tht such a thing has not happened in class has made many debunk the alien-invasion theory .. but the guys who proposed the theory assure me , they are working hard to find out more bout these alien life forms .
Another notable approach which is prety aggresive and is to take on dcp er and give some rubbish back and put her/him to shame . Sample this ... "this is like saying there is an ätomic power plant in Krygiztan "... "ok whats your point ?!!!" ...
On the whole however i wud admit tht whether the Q made sense or the ppl gained anything , for good or bad DCP has had an impact on our course and has certainly manged to infuse some life into even the most dullest of classes !
PS: As many of u have rightly guessed this was written in class !