Sunday, May 09, 2010

Book Review : What is the What ?

Honestly , it was the title which prompted me to pick up this book from Crossword bookstore ... Never judge a book by a cover they say , but most of the books i pick are based on hunch that they could be good by looking at their cover and what they say at the back of the cover !

What is the What - is an awe-inspiring story of struggles faced by a young orphaned boy named Achak from Sudan , who had to wade through a civil war affected homeland , walk for several months through difficult terrain , living on next to nothing , move through refugee camps across three countries to find a life of peace only to have it shattered and begin the journey all over again !

What makes this boy/man's story so special is because it is full of struggles against forces which have consistently tried to knock him out , shatter his spirit. But every single time he falls down , he still manages to pick up the pieces and get back on his feet and continue his journey. The story begins with young Achak living in his peaceful village as tensions slowly rise between Arabs and Christians in his land. It covers the journey of group of boys called 'Lost boys' who walk flee from the slaughter in their homelands to refugee camp in Ethiopia and later to Kenya . Before finally managing to reach USA . As it is told from point of view of young boy there are no political overtones and this is purely the story of how hatred/communal violence affects common men.

This real-life story of Achak Deng is truly inspirational stuff and is well worth a read for the courage it gives to every reader to face the challenges of life bravely and do whatever you can to improve your life and that of people around you. I picked up this book when I was going through slightly rough phase in my life , but my troubles seemed very trivial compared to challenges this boy had faced and reading this book improved my spirits considerably and made me look at myself differently and acknowledge how privileged we are growing up in a relatively secure environment. This is a book which tells us how follies of a few have damaged the lives of millions irreparably , but also offers hope that despite all the challenges where there is a will to succeed there is always a way


Abinav Kumar said...

Please do not leave a space before a comma.

Yet another 'good book' read, eh? Wonder when I will get back to my reading ways... argh!

Unknown said...

I actually purchased this book for someone for the Christmas before last -- and for the same reason as you, based on pure hunch. I haven't read it myself. Sometimes reading someone's personal account of horrific experiences makes me feel like a bit of of a hypocrite, because I've never gone through such trauma myself, and I don't expect I ever will (although this may only be complacency -- I hope not). Perhaps I am not a very courageous reader.